So today's hot topic - the coagulation of medication for latent turbuculosis. Visual below.
I know that's why most people visit the Big Woo - medical information.
Misho has to take this gooey guck for the next year. He has latent TB mind you, not symptomatic TB that require scratchy wool blankets and sanitoriums in Arizona. We've had 5 bottles of this crap delivered to the house and each bottle ends up coagulating like 20 year old toothpaste. There is no way in hell I'm serving this goo to my innocent little TB (latent mind you) ridden baby.
When I first called the pharmacy about the issue, they said it must have been a "bad batch." A "bad batch?" I'm serving up a "bad batch" to my 10 month old son? Needless to say I've taken copious notes and kept every bottle in it's potent and gel like form in case the French-Pehlkes need to litigate. My husband litigates for a living so we're covered.
Anywho, I've stopped the medication once again until we can get a "good batch" that stays in what is supposed to be a syrupy form.
My lesson for the day: if a baby has to chew medication, don't give it to him.
I don't know, those pepto bismol chews are much tastier than the liquid nonsense. Maybe chewable TB relief is the way to happiness and enlightenment it possible the freezing temperatures in Chicago are changing the meds into the gloppy mess?
his expression is outstanding-- very wary of the medicine bottle.
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