Thursday, August 28, 2008

Camels and porn

OCTOBER 2ND - Mom's birthday, and the launch of our official pick up date of Mr. M. We finalized the travel itinerary today with a departure of September 26th, two nights in Dubai (at a hotel next to a camel racing track - yes I said camel), arrival in Addis on September 29th, lolly gag around Addis, and then torpedo into the care center on October 2nd - actually the 3rd, but it's Mom's birthday, so we're calling it the 2nd.

We'll be flying the Emirate skies which supposedly is the closest thing to nirvana you will ever have. Supposedly, it makes Singapore Air look like Aeroflot. Here is the video for the first class lounge services, in aire, in the new Airbus 380 (though, we would have to sell an organ to fly first class, so no, we're not). I truly believe they recruited an ex porn movie director. The lingering glances and the weird bar loitering cannot be ignored.

Enjoy the "friendly" and strangely choreographed skies.


Anonymous said...

Don't forget the cigarettes and whiskey--then you won't need the first class aire.

Remember--start packing now!

Lyn-Dee said...

Glad to see you will be in our travel group. I must admit you got me to look at your blog with Camel and Porn!!! Let me know if you are interested in the Blue Nile Gorge on Wednesday. Let go get our sons!!

Gigi said...

hhahah I will experience Aeroflot next year when we go to Russia. First class there looks like mediocre coach section here.
Will you be coming to support group on the 14th, please send invite to group!!

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