Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Gnomes and such in Ethiopia

Most of you know about my often debilitating fear of gnomes. I believe gnomes are tiny, nasty little creatures that run havoc with our lives (refer to entries of July and August 2008). Well, just imagine what could have been running through my mind when I ran across a virtual "gnome-fest" at the Sheraton in Addis Ababa. I thought for sure the adoption would have been halted and we would have been arrested by the Ethiopian authorities for some unknown reason. Luckily, nothing of the sort happen, but I was able to capture the pure gnome magic on film. I've also added a few shots of random Ethiopian priests we found tucked away in the church caves of Lalibela. I believe they were the antidote to what could have been a unmitigated gnome-generated disaster. Enjoy.


Pastor Tracy P-J said...

the gnomes are the creepy!! but the music is great :)

Tracy P-J
Oct 2 travel group

paige said...

thank goodness the priests were there to save the day!

um, what is it with you new mothers? stop hogging the baby and share some photos!
